Friday, October 26, 2018

Drone Search and Rescue Study Reveals Potential Limits

drone, uas, uav, search, rescue, sar,

A new study on the effectiveness of drones in finding lost individuals demonstrates drones can be an excellent tool, but a drone alone is no guarantee of a successful outcome.

The study on the effectiveness of drones in search-and-rescue (SAR) operations involved a series of simulated scenarios in Ireland and Wales, with drone-equipped teams searching for simulated victims alongside ground-only teams. They found that while drones could find victims about three minutes faster, the overall success rates were similar. The study, conducted by DJI, the European Emergency Number Association, and Black Channel, was presented at a recent conference and posted online.

Drone search-and-rescue study reveals potential, limits
Do you have a story of drones coming to the rescue or assisting your agency? Please share in the comments.